Lesson learnt from the story of Yusuf About the Book These are some insights gained from the story of Ysuf A.S, may ALLAH raise his repute and the repute of all the prophets and messengers. Indeed, Allah related the story unto us in detail, and said at the end of it Indeed in their stories, there is a lesson for men of understanding. [Srah Ysuf 12111]. A lesson is something by which one learns. It steers a person towards a number of ideas and useful principles. It directs a person towards things that are virtuous, and alerts one to the causes of destruction. While all stories of the prophets are like that, ALLAH singled this story out with His words Truly, there are signs and lessons in [the story] of Ysuf A.S and his brothers for those asking [about the story of Ysuf A.S or for signs of the Prophet-hood of Muhammad A.S. [Srah Ysuf 127]. As such, it contains various signs and lessons for anyone who asks for them and seeks guidance and integrity. This is due to what it contains of one evolving circumstance to another from one ordeal to another from facing challenges to being blessed from humiliation and slavery to honour and authority from division to unity and fulfilled aspirations from grief to joy from abundance to scarcity, from scarcity to abundance, from famine to plenitude and from hardship to ease, amongst the other things this great story embodies. So blessed be the one who narrated it, clarified it and explained it. About the Author He is the Shaykh, Ab Abdillh Abd ur-Rahmn Ibn Nsir Ibn bdillh Ibn Nsir as-Sad from the tribe of Ban Tamm. Born in the city of Unayzah, in the region of Qasm, Saudi Arabia in the year 1307 A.H. [1886 C.E]. His father and mother both passed away before he reached the age of ten. He memorised the Qurn and mastered the rules recitation before he reached puberty. The Shaykh was humble, shy and modest. He paid no attention to the glitters of this world or it temptations. He cared not for position, status or fame. The Shaykh authored many books, and taught many students. It is sufficient for the unacquainted to be informed of his Tafsr as-Sa and his student, Shaykh Muammad ibn Sli al-Uthaymn to recognise his excellency. He lived in the service of his religion until he passed onto ALLAH in the year 1376 A.H. [1955 C.E]. SKU 9780992912314 Pages160 Year of Publication 2014 Size cm 15x21 Binding Soft Cover Asin ASIN Author Shaykh Abd ur-Rahman Ibn Nasir as-Sadi Publisher DuSunnah Publications
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