Quran WiKi Studying Divine Speech

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Quran WiKi Studying Divine Speech

The book is based on Qur'an Wiki, which started as an online project with the aim of consolidating the best available data relating to every Surah and Ayat of the Qur'an. Information on the themes of the Surahs, connections and relationships between them, important key words, background reasons for revelation, relevant hadith, lessons and guidance along with tools such as line-graphs, pie-charts, manuscripts, dictionaries, multiple Qur'anic commentaries in English and Arabic, were combined together to produce a treasure-trove of information.

The book includes all 114 Surah overviews and serves as a handbook/companion to the study of the Qur'an.

About The Publisher

The Qur'an Project

The Qur'an Project primary aim is to produce high quality publications serving the study of the Qur'an and facilitating free distribution of them worldwide.

The staff at The Qur'an Project are all volunteers and they have a 100% Donation Policy!

The Qur'an Project publications:

  1. The Qur'an Project: English translation with Surah Introductions and Appendices. Ideal for a seeker of truth.
  2. 40 Hadith of the Qur'an
  3. Scientific Truths in the Qur'an
  4. Love of Allah - Experience the beauty of Salah - available in English and Urdu
  5. Ramadhan Guide - PDF and website: www.ramadhanguide.com

How the Project Began (found in the Editor's preface to the main publication)

"In early 2008, a friend visited A.B. al-Mehri at his home in Birmingham, UK. He was visibly emotional and asked if I could give him a translation of the Qur’an in English. He explained that he had a non-Muslim work colleague who had been enthralled by the Qur’ān and that he, as a Muslim, felt ashamed he had not read it. SoA.B. al-Mehri gave him a spare translation I had and began to tell him some basic facts he should know as a seeker of truth –

The Qur’an is a unique book for a multitude of reasons. To name a few:

  • It does not read in chronological order of revelation –
    • I.e. the first verse you read from Sūrah 1 was not the first verse revealed
    • Nor the last verse from Sūrah 114 the very last verse revealed of the Qur’an.
  • The Qur’an was revealed over a period of 23 years to the Prophet Muhammad –
    • Sometimes a few ayats at a time – (the first revelation began with five ayat, then seven, etc) and at other times, Sūrahs (chapters) were revealed as a whole.
    • (An Ayat is normally translated as ‘a verse’ - a more accurate linguistic translation would be ‘Sign’ [of God])
    • The Archangel Gabriel, under instruction from God, informed the Prophet to arrange the various ayats into Sūrahs.
  • These Sūrahs (chapters) can be divided into two types –
    • Those revealed before the migration of the Muslim community – The Makkan Period
    • Those revealed after the migration – The Madīnan period.
    • These Sūrahs would often include Ayats from both time periods
  • The significance of the two periods –
    • In Makkah the call to one God was new. The Believers were opposed, beaten and oppressed by the Makkans who were the main proponents of idol-worship in Arabia. The revelations in Makkah were regarding Monotheism, Paradise and Hellfire, the Day of Judgment etc. This was a period of many trials and tribulations for the Prophet Muhammad and the Believers.
    • In Madīnah the Prophet was the leader of the Islāmic state. The revelations here centred on establishing the religion, engaging the enemies of God, social and legal rulings on marriage, divorce, inheritance, punishment, etc.
    • The challenges of both periods were different and the various Ayats reflect this.

After explaining the importance of knowing the biography of the Prophet in order to deepen one’s understanding of the Qur’an, I began explaining how amazingly, the Qur’an has been preserved word for word in written and oral form for over fourteen hundred years – a feat unmatched by any other book, including the Old and New Testament. I then went on to mention the many scientific miracles contained in the Qur’an and also the prophecies in the Bible about the Prophet Muhammad.

The Translation

Of all published works, the Qur’an is perhaps the least translatable. Arabic is not at all easy to translate into a language so widely and radically differing from it in structure and genius as English, unless it be with the aid of loose periphrasis and lax paraphrase.

Even so the fire of the original is quenched, its vivacious perspicuity is lost, and the so-called literal translation looks rugged and dreary. That the language of the Arabs abounds in nuances and both the noun and the verb are extremely flexible, is a fact well known to every student of that tongue. The difficulty is increased hundredfold when one has to render into English, with any degree of accuracy and precision, a work so rich in meaning, so pithy in expression, so vigorous in style and so subtle in implications as the Qur’an. To reproduce even partially its exotic beauty, wonderful grandeur and magical vivacity without sacrificing the requirements of the English idiom and usage, is the despair of the translator and an ideal impossible of attainment. The result is that every fresh attempt at translating the Holy Writ brings home, in varying degrees, the truth of the old saying that nothing is so unlike an original as its copy.

Nevertheless, as difficult a task as it was, over twenty-three translations of the Qur’an were consulted in an attempt to render the words of the Qur’an into the English language and the result is, God-willing, a translation read easily by most. The reader should take note that there exists a number of other translations of the Qur’an which are more eloquent and richer in language and whilst the current translation may be suitable for some, it may not be ideal for others.

Sūrah Introductions and Appendices

It was decided to add M. Mawdudi’s Sūrah introductions from his commentary of the Qur’an, ‘Towards Understanding the Qur’an’ (available online – www.quranproject.org). These have been edited and abridged to include the most relevant information for a beginner. The following chapters were then also selected to be included:

  • Short Biography of the Prophet Muhammad
  • Introduction to the Study of the Qur’an
  • The Unique Qur’anic Generation
  • Preservation and Literary Challenge of the Qur’an
  • Scientific Miracles of the Qur’ān
  • Miracles Performed
  • Old and New Testament Prophecies of Muhammad
  • Women in Islām
  • How do I become a Muslim?
  • Quick Guide to Ablution and Prayer
  • Frequently Asked Questions about Islām - Short Answers –

The Qur’ān Project Website

The website www.quranproject.org was setup to accompany the publication. Here readers would be able to read it all online, download it, order their free copy, and go through the many additional sections including free online library, audio and video etc.

Many of those involved have been completely humbled by the opportunity given to them by God to partake in this project. All praise and thanks are for Him and Him alone, the Lord of the Worlds. Often God uses diverse and numerous people for His work and this endeavour has been no different. So many people have offered their time, help and services to this project and are too many to mention here. God knows every single one of them and we ask Him to accept this deed from us and make it as a means of achieving His love, mercy and ultimately Paradise – (ameen).

All that is good and correct in this publication, and anyone who is subsequently guided by it, this is from God and a mercy from Him. Any mistakes and errors are from ourselves and we ask the forgiveness of God for them.

‘O God, Creator of the heavens and the earth, accept this deed from us and forgive us for any shortcomings. Enter us and our families into the highest levels of Paradise and protect us from being touched by the Fire even for a moment. Our prayers, sacrifices, lives and death are all for You. Bless us with Your love, the love of whom You love and the love of deeds which bring us closer to Your love. O God, have mercy on us through the Qur’ān and make it for us a Light, Mercy and Guidance. Make the last part of our lives its best, the last deed the best one, and the best day of our lives the Day we meet You.’ [ameen]

A.B. al-Mehri
Rabi’ al-Awwal 1431 A.H / February 2010
Birmingham, United Kingdom

Additional Product Information

  • ISBN 13: 978-183806-56-14
  • ISBN 10: 1838065614
  • ISBN: 9781838065614
  • SKU 2: TIS
  • SKU 3:  9781838065614
  • SKU 4:9781838065614
  • MPN: 9781838065614
  • ASIN: 9781838065614
  • EAN: 9781838065614
  • REF.NO: 25049
  • Author: A. B. Al-Mehri
  • Edited and illustrated By: A. B. Al-Mehri
  • Publisher: The Quran Project
  • Imprint: The Quran Project
  • Publication Date: 2022
  • Cover: Hardback / Hardcover / Hardbound
  • Format: Hardback / Hardcover / Hardbound
  • Binding: Hardback / Hardcover / Hardbound
  • Pages: 880
  • Dimensions: 23x17 cm
  • Weight: 1485g
  • Digital Bank:


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