An Inspiration To The World

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An Inspiration To the World (25100)

An Inspiration to the World is a book that stems from the author's many years of reading and studying the life of the Prophet. It is a reflection of his deep love for the Messenger of Allah and his passionate interest in his Seerah, for the Prophet is the greatest example and inspiration for every Muslim. 

An Inspiration to the World shows us the path that leads to great triumph and eternal life, tranquility and peace.

An Inspiration to the World contains an author's reflections such as you have never read before.

This book is a life-changer; it will lead you to a new world of exploration, happiness, success and triumph.

About The Author 

Dr Aaidh Al-Qarni

Dr Aaidh Al-Qarni is a prominent Saudi scholar, author, and activist preacher, best known for his popular self-help book Don’t Be Sad. Dr Al-Qarni has garnered a substantial following through a preaching career which spans various modes of broadcast media.

Mulla ‘Ali ibn Sultan Muhammad al-Qari, more popularly known as Mulla ‘Ali al-Qari, was an ascetic, hadith scholar, jurist, theologian, exegete, heresiographer, calligrapher, hajj specialist, philologist, logician and author of what has been hailed as the most comprehensive Arabic commentary on the Mishkat al-Masabih, entitled Mirqat al-Mafatih.

He is also famous for his commentary on Al-Fiqh al-Akbar, called Minah al-Rawd al-Azhar (Gifts of the Blooming Gardens). Qari was born in Herat, Afghanistan, where he received his primary years of Islamic education. Thereafter, he moved to Makka, where he studied under numerous scholars, including Shaykh Ahmad ibn Hajar al-Haytami al-Makki and Qutb al-Din al-Hanafi. He was called Al-Qari, “The Reciter,” because of his mastery of the science of Qur’anic recitation. Mulla ‘Ali al-Qari remained in Makka, where he taught until his death in 1014/1606. His written works include a two-volume commentary on Qadi ‘Iyad’s Al-Shifa’ (The Cure); and a two-volume commentary on Imam Ghazali’s abridgement of the Ihya’ ‘Ulum al-Din (The Revival of the Religious Sciences), entitled ‘Ayn al-’Ilm wa Zayn al-Hilm (The Spring of Knowledge and the Adornment of Understanding).

About The Publishers

Darussalam Publications

Darussalam Publications is your source for authentic, high-quality Islamic books and products.

Darussalam International Publishing & Distribution (also known as Dar-us-Salam in the U.S) is a Saudi-based multilingual international publishing house operating in 35 countries. It's the second-largest publisher of translations of the Islamic scripture (Qur'ān) in the world after King Fahd Complex.

In the context of private owned Islamic scripture-related printing, publishing in the English language & distribution, they are the largest in the world.

An Inspiration To The World

They published more than 1600 multi-lingual Islamic books in International publishing standards, including 64 plus books on the life of the Islamic prophet, Muhammad. They also published the translation and interpretation of the Qur’an and other Islamic literature in 29 languages.

One of their notable projects was the first ever translation of six sahih hadith books into the English language, which comprises 38 volumes & containing 20,780 pages.

They follow Italian and Lebanese style printing standards & printed primarily in Lebanon, KSA, Italy and China. They also have a printing press in Pakistan. They have a team of scholars and researchers engaged in the preparation of the academic plans and scriptures. To ensure the originality and authenticity of the material being published, they have state-of-the-art research centres in Riyadh (KSA) and Lahore (Pakistan). They also have a network of Muslim Scholars around the globe to double-check the script along with the editorial guidelines of the Research Center and approval of the editorial board before publishing.

Additional Product Information

  • ISBN 13: 978-603917-72-34
  • ISBN 10: 6039177234
  • ISBN: 9786039177234
  • SKU 2: TIS
  • SKU 3:  25109
  • SKU 4: 9786039177234
  • MPN: 9786039177234
  • ASIN: 9786039177234
  • EAN: 7723
  • REF.NO: 7723
  • Product Code ID: 7723
  • Author: Dr Aaidh Ibn Abdullah Al  Qarni 
  • Edited and illustrated By:Dr Aaidh Ibn Abdullah Al  Qarni 
  • Publisher: Darussalam  
  • Imprint: Darussalam
  • Cover: Hardback / Hardcover / Hardboard / Hardbound
  • Format: Hardback / Hardcover / Hardboard / Hardbound
  • Binding: Hardback / Hardcover / Hardboard / Hardbound
  • Pages: 771
  • Publication Date: 18-11-2022
  • Size: 17x24cm
  • Dimensions: 17x24cm
  • Weight: 1400g
  • Age Range: Adult/ Teen
  • Genre: Seerah / Shama'il, BiographiesTareekh (History)
  • Digital Bank:


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