The Legislated Method For Treating Magic and the Evil Eye

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The Legislated Method For Treating Magic and the Evil Eye

The Qurʾān and Aḥādīth are from the greatest bounties the Lord of the worlds has blessed us with. The apparent and hidden, the body and soul, are cured with them. With this great bounty, a person is not in need of anything other than it with the condition that one fully comprehends and submits with full faith.

Allāh says in the Qurʾān: {This day have I perfected your religion for you.} [Q. 5:3] Some people do not value the religion and think it is incomplete, that is why they go down other paths and chase other “-isms” while some people take the Qurʾān and Aḥādīth only for a spiritual cure related to the success of the hereafter, not a physical cure bringing happiness in this life as well as the next.

Some people depend solely upon doctors for physical diseases and illnesses, while thinking the adhkār which have been shown in the Qurʾān and Aḥādīth are of no benefit in regards to physical diseases and illnesses. Yet the truth is that these adhkār and supplications have greater effect than western medicine, hence why the duʿāʾ is the weapon for a believer, as has been reported in the Ḥadīth collected in al-Mustadrak.

The Prophet emphasized on duʿāʾ and adhkār. He prescribed specific adhkār for specific occasions, hence every Muslim should strive to memorize these due to their importance. This will allow one to achieve happiness in this life and the next.

I am writing this booklet (Risālah) about two essential issues (cure for the evil eye and curing magic) at the advice of Al-Ḥāj Prācha because people are in great need of knowing these issues.

About The Publisher

Dar Al-Arqam

Dar Al-Arqam is a non-profit learning institute for Muslims.

Dar Al-Arqam provide a unique brand of free learning that combines between 3 strands: Development, Education and Skills.

Dar Al-Arqam vision is to empower the wahy (revelation). That means producing a generation of Muslim leaders and institutions that are role models of the wahy at all levels—individual, familial, societal and administrative.

The teaching instruction at Dar Al-Arqam offers unique features seldom found elsewhere:

  • Dar Al-Arqam provide free learning. All programmes at Dar Al-Arqam are offered at no cost to their students.
  • Dar Al-Arqam provide extensive instruction on Islamic mindsets—a category entirely unique to Dar Al-Arqam.
  • Dar Al-Arqam emphasize on the comprehensive development of students. That means going beyond academic training and placing a central focus on the development of the fitrah and mind—not only eman—and the utilitarian impact a student possesses.
  • Dar Al-Arqam  recognise the subtlety of the mentoring process and its need for longevity and relationship-building. Subsequently, Dar Al-Arqam  primarily offer long-term courses.
  • Dar Al-Arqam promote entrepreneurship in the way of waqf businesses—businesses that dedicate all or part of their profits to principal causes.
  • Dar Al-Arqam encourage the institutional practice of Islam—the representation of Islam through bodies and organisations.
  • Dar Al-Arqam publish books on various Islamic topic

Additional Product Information

  • ISBN 13: 978-183848-97-62
  • ISBN 10: 1838489762
  • ISBN: 9781838489762
  • SKU 2: TIS
  • SKU 3:  25052
  • SKU 4: 8976
  • Author: Shaykh Aminullah al-Peshawari
  • Edited and illustrated By: Shaykh Aminullah al-Peshawari
  • Publisher: Dar Al-Arqam
  • Imprint: Dar Al-Arqam
  • Publication Date: 2022
  • Cover: Paperback
  • Format: Paperback
  • Binding: Paperback
  • Pages: 90
  • Dimensions: 23x17 cm
  • Weight: 105g
  • Digital Bank:


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