Tas-Heelut Taa-Reekh Part 4 (History Made Easy)

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Tas-Heelut Taa-Reekh Part 2 (History Made Easy)

We are not aware of any other textbook package that can even come close to these books in clarity, authenticity, a breath of coverage, and suitability for the children.

While all material is good, this one on history is exceptional. It is lucid, focused, and well presented. Even difficult subjects like the earlier internecine wars have been handled expertly. In fact, while these books are meant for young Muslims, they could be of tremendous benefit to adults also. In fact, while these books are meant for young Muslims, they could be of tremendous benefit to adults also.

We enthusiastically recommend that these books be used in full-time Islamic Schools, weekend schools, as well as Islamic home-schools.

About The Author and Publishers

Jamiatul Ulama (KZN)

Probably, the most important commitment of the Jamiatul Ulama South Africa is the facilitation of Islamic education through the Taalimi Board. The Taalimi Board has a number of supervisors who visit Muslim schools and Makaatib which are attended by an excess of 15,000 children. The role of supervisors is to ensure that the standard of education is maintained at a high level as well as assist educators with effective techniques for imparting instruction.

As the geographical spread of these institutes is vast, supervisors travel long distances to reach the many affiliate institutes which benefit a lot from the encouragement, support and guidance given to them to enhance the process of learning.

The Taalimi Board implements a Tas-heel Series curriculum which is enhanced all the time with textbooks, teacher guides and other learning aids. Workshops and seminars are held for parents and educators as well as Madrasah committees in order to apprise them with developments in the curriculum. These are conducted covering a wide range of issues pertinent to the work of Maktab personnel, management and classroom practitioners. Some topics covered are using teaching resources, tips for remedial work, staff motivation, pupils’ discipline, etc.

Specialist educators, consultant curriculum developers, supervisors, independent evaluators as well as other stakeholders play a crucial role in developing the material used in the curriculum which has now been adopted by other institutes in the Southern Africa region as well as overseas where it has been translated into a number of languages.

Additional Product Information

  • ISBN 13:
  • ISBN 10:
  • ISBN 1:
  • ISBN 2:
  • SKU 2: TIS
  • Author: Jamiatul Ulama Taalimi Board (Jamiatul Ulama KZN)
  • Edited and illustrated By: Jamiatul Ulama Taalimi Board (Jamiatul Ulama KZN)
  • Imprint: JJamiatul Ulama Taalimi Board (Jamiatul Ulama KZN)
  • Publisher: Jamiatul Ulama Taalimi Board (Jamiatul Ulama KZN)
  • Publication Date: 2020
  • Cover: Paperback
  • Format: Paperback
  • Binding: Paperback
  • Pages:
  • Dimensions:
  • Weight:
  • Digital Bank:



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