Riyad as-Salihin - Abridged and Annotated The Meadows of the Righteous

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Riyad as-Salihin - Abridged and Annotated The Meadows of the Righteous

Riyad as Saliheen Abridged and Annotated English Translation. In the 13th Century Damascus, the renowned Hadith Scholar, juristic expert, academic luminary and pious ascetic, Imam Muhyi ad-Din Abu Zakariyya Yahya ibn Sharaf an-Nawawi set himself the task of compiling a short collection of rigorously authenticated Hadith, which will comprise for its reader away to the hereafter. The resulting Riyad as-Salihin is a collection of almost two thousand Hadiths on numerous subjects, selected from the Sahih collections and other canonical books of the Sunnah. This blessed book, containing the treasures of the noble Sunnah and Prophetic guidance, was greeted with immediate scholarly approval and has established its worth in terms of the far-reaching and long-term influence it has had on Muslim character, conduct, education, and reform throughout the Ummah and across the centuries.

About The Author

Abū Zakariyyā Yaḥyā ibn Sharaf al-Nawawī

Early Life

He was born at Nawa near Damascus, Syria. As with Arabic and other Semitic languages, the last part of his name refers to his hometown.

Yasin bin Yusuf Marakashi, says: "I saw Imam Nawawi at Nawa when he was a youth of ten years of age. Other boys of his age used to force him to play with them, but Imam Nawawi would always avoid the play and would remain busy with the recitation of the Noble Qur'an. When they tried to domineer and insisted on his joining their games, he bewailed and expressed his no concern over their foolish action. On observing his sagacity and profundity, a special love and affection developed in my heart for young Nawawi. I approached his teacher and urged him to take exceptional care of this lad as he was to become a great religious scholar. His teacher asked whether I was a soothsayer or an astrologer. I told him I am neither soothsayer nor an astrologer but Allah caused me to utter these words." His teacher conveyed this incident to Imam's father and he keeping in view the learning quest of his son, decided to dedicate the life of his son for the service and promotion of the cause of Islam.


He had no academic or scholarly atmosphere and there were no religious academies or institutes where one could earn excellence in religious learning, so his father took him to Damascus, which was considered the center of learning and scholarship, and the students from far and wide gathered there for schooling. During that period, there were more than three hundred institutes, colleges and universities in Damascus. Imam Nawawi joined Madrasah Rawahiyah which was affiliated with the Ummvi University. The founder and patron of this Madrasah was a trader named Zakiuddin Abul-Qassim who was known as Ibn Rawahah. Madrasah was named after him. Noted and eminent teachers of the period taught in that Madrasah. Imam Nawawi says, "I studied in this institution for two years. During my stay in Madrasah Rawahiyah, I never had complete rest and lived on the limited food supplied by the institution." As a routine he used to sleep very little at night. When it became irresistible as a human being, he would lean and slumber for a while against the support of books. After a short duration he would again be hard at his scholastic pursuits.

Life as a scholar

He studied in Damascus from the age of 18 and after making the pilgrimage in 1253 he settled there as a private scholar

Notable Teachers

During his stay at Damascus, he studied from more than twenty teachers.These teachers were regarded as masters and authority of their subject field and disciplines they taught. Imam studied Hadith, Islamic Jurisprudence, its principles, syntax and Etymology. Abu Ibrahim Ishaq bin Ahmad AI-Maghribi, Abu Muhammad Abdur-Rahman bin Ibrahim Al-Fazari, Radiyuddin Abu Ishaq Ibrahim bin Abu Hafs Umar bin Mudar Al-Mudari, Abu Ishaq Ibrahim bin Isa Al-Muradi, Abul-Baqa Khalid bin Yusuf An-Nablusi, Abul-Abbas Ahmad bin Salim Al-Misri, Abu Abdullah Al-Jiyani, Abul-Fath Umar bin Bandar, Abu Muhammad At-Tanukhi, Sharafuddin Abdul-Aziz bin Muhammad Al-Ansari, Abul-Faraj Abdur-Rahman bin Muhammad bin Ahmad Al-Maqdisi, Abul-Fada'il Sallar bin Al-Hasan Al Arbal

Death and Legacy

He died at Nawa at the relatively young age of 44.

An-Nawawi's lasting legacy is his contribution to hadith literature through his momentous works Forty Hadiths and Riyadh as-Saaliheen.This made him respected in all madhabs, despite of him being of Shafi'i jurisprudence. According to Al-Dhahabi, Imam Nawawi's concentration and absorption in academic love gained proverbial fame. He had devoted all his time for learning and scholarship. Other than reading and writing, he spent his time contemplating on the interacted and complex issues and in finding their solutions.Sheikh Mohiuddin expresses his impression about Imam Nawawi as thus:

Imaam an-Nawawi had three distinctive commendable qualities in his person. If anybody has only one out of these three, people turn to him in abundance for guidance. First, having knowledge and its dissemination. Second, to evade completely from the worldly inclinations, and the third, inviting to all that is good (Islam) enjoining virtue and forbidding vice. Imaam an-Nawawi had all three in him.

Additional Product Information

  • ISBN 1: 978-1906949471
  • ISBN: 2: 9781906949471
  • SKU: 9781906949471
  • Publisher: Turath Publishers
  • Translator: Mariam Madge Conlan
  • Imprint: Turath Publishers
  • Cover: Hardback
  • Format: Hardback
  • Binding: Hardback
  • Author: Imam Yahya ibn Sharaf an-Nawawi
  • Dimensions Inches: 9.8" x 6.2" Aprox
  • Dimensions Cm: 25 × 16 cm Aprox
  • Pages: 638
  • Publication Year: 2018
  • Weight: 1100g


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