The Panj Ganj (‘Five Treasures’) is a collection of five poems written by the Persian poet ‘Abd al-Rahman Jami‘ (d. AD 1492). The manuscript was produced in Iran but was not finished until it ended up in India, in the possession of ‘Abd al-Rahim, commander-in-chief of the Mughal army for both Akbar and Jahangir. The specific manner in which the text has been laid out results in three small triangular spaces on each page. ‘Abd al-Rahim’s artists completed the decoration of the manuscript by filling these spaces with decoration, usually figures of animals and birds (several examples from various folios are included here). They also added new, boldly decorated margins to each folio and added a painting on the final, colophon page of the manuscript.
Panj Ganj or Khamseh consists of five separate manuscripts in the Persian language all gathered in a single volume. These sections are all verified in the form of long poems with rhymed couplets, or Mathnavi as expressed in the Persian language. Khamseh recounts the most celebrated, delicate and eldest romantic stories of the Persian language.
Jami was born in Kharjerd, in Khorasan.Previously his father Nizām al-Dīn Ahmad b. Shams al-Dīn Muhammad had come from Dasht, a small town in the district of Isfahan. A few years after his birth, his family migrated to Herat, where he was able to study Peripateticism, mathematics, Persian literature, natural sciences, Arabic language, logic, rhetoric and Islamic philosophy at the Nizamiyyah University. His father, also a Sufi, became his first teacher and mentor. While in Herat, Jami held an important position at the Timurid court, involved in the era's politics, economics, philosophy and religious life. Jami was a Sunni Muslim.
Because his father was from Dasht, Jami's early pen name was Dashti, but later, he chose to use Jami because of two reasons he later mentioned in a poem:
Nūr ad-Dīn 'Abd ar-Rahmān Jāmī (Persian: نورالدین عبدالرحمن جام November 1414 – 9 November 1492), also known as Mawlanā Nūr al-Dīn 'Abd al-Rahmān or Abd-Al-Rahmān Nur-Al-Din Muhammad Dashti, or simply as Jami or Djāmī and in Turkey as Molla Cami, was a Persian Sunni poet who is known for his achievements as a prolific scholar and writer of mystical Sufi literature. He was primarily a prominent poet-theologian of the school of Ibn Arabi and a Khwājagānī Sũfī, recognized for his eloquence and for his analysis of the metaphysics of mercy. His most famous poetic works are Haft Awrang, Tuhfat al-Ahrar, Layla wa Majnun, Fatihat al-Shabab, Lawa'ih, Al-Durrah al-Fakhirah. Jami belonged to the Naqshbandi Sufi order
This book is in Farsi (Persian Language)
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