Ma'ariful Quran [Urdu] - Complete Set In 9 Volumes

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Ma'ariful Quran [Urdu] - Complete Set in 9 Volumes.

Ma'ariful Qur'an (Urdu: معارف القرآن) is an eight-volume tafsir (exegesis) of the Quran written by Islamic scholar Mufti Muhammad Shafi (1897–1976). Originally written in Urdu, it is the most prominent work of its author.

About the background and starting of Ma'ariful Qur'an, Mufti Muhammad Taqi Usmani has written in the foreword of the English translation of the same:

‘The origin of Ma'ariful Qur'an refers back to the third of Shawwal 1373 A.H. (corresponding to the 2nd of July 1954) when the author was invited to give weekly lectures on the Radio Pakistan to explain selected verses of the Holy Qur'an to the general audience. This invitation was accepted by the author on the condition that he would not accept any remuneration for this service and that his lectures would be broadcast without any interference by the editing authorities. The permanent title of this weekly programme was "Ma'ariful-Qur'an" (The Wisdom of the Holy Qur'an) and it was broadcast every Friday morning on the network of Radio Pakistan.

‘This series of lectures continued for ten years up to the month of June 1964 whereby the new authorities stopped the programme for reasons best known to them. This series of lectures contained a detailed commentary on selected verses from the beginning of the Holy Qur'an up to the Surah Ibrahim (Surah no. 14).
‘This weekly programme of Radio Pakistan was warmly welcomed by the Muslims throughout the globe and used to be listened to by thousands of Muslims, not only in Pakistan and India but also in Western and African countries.

‘After the programme was discontinued, there was a flood of requests from all over the world to transfer this series in a book-form and to complete the remaining part of the Holy Qur'an in the shape of a regular commentary.

‘These requests persuaded the esteemed author to revise these lectures and to add those verses which were not included in the original lectures. He started this project in 1383 A.H. (1964) and completed the commentary of Surah al-Fatihah in its revised form and started the revision of Surah al-Baqarah. However, due to his numerous involvements, he had to discontinue this task, and it remained unattended during the next five years.

‘In Shawwal 1388 (1969) the esteemed author suffered from a number of diseases which made him restricted to his bed. It was during this ailment that he restarted this work while on the bed and completed Surah al-Baqarah in the same condition. Since then he devoted himself to the "Ma'ariful-Qur'an". Despite a large number of obstacles in his way, he never surrendered to any of them and continued his work with a miraculous speed until he accomplished the work in eight volumes (comprising about seven thousand pages) within five years only’

The work consists of eight volumes. A detailed introduction, included at the beginning of the first volume, focuses on some of the basic issues of the Quran. Notable among them are the wahy, the modes of descent, the chronology of the revelation of the Quran, the first revealed verses (ayah), Meccan and Medinan verses, the preservation of the Quran, the printing of the Quran, the sources of tafsir, Arabic language etc. The work adopts a simple narrative style: first, several verses are provided in the original Arabic with their literal translation in Urdu; it is then followed by subject-wise discussion on almost every important issue. This narrative technique is repeated until the end. Below is the list of volumes and their contents:

  • The first volume—Sura Al-Fatiha and sura Al-Baqara
  • The second volume – from sura Al-Imran to sura An-Nisa
  • The third volume – from sura Al-Ma'ida to sura Al-A'raf
  • The fourth volume – from sura Al-Anfal to sura Hud
  • The fifth volume – from sura Yusuf to sura Al-Kahf
  • The sixth volume – from sura Maryam to sura Ar-Rum
  • The seventh volume – from sura Luqman to sura Al-Ahqaf
  • The eighth volume – from sura Muhammad to Surat al-Nas.

In the introduction of Ma'ariful Qur'an, the author has mentioned the sources he has taken help from in compiling this voluminous work. Some of them are:

  • Tafsir al-Tabari, by Abu Jafar Muhammad ibn Jarir Tabari
  • Tafsir ibn Kathir, by Ibn Kathir
  • Tafsir al-Qurtubi, by Al-Qurtubi
  • Tafsir al-Bahr al-Muhit, by Abu Hayyan al-Gharnati
  • Ahkam al-Quran by Al-Jaṣṣās
  • Tafsir al-Kabir, by Imam Fakhruddin Razi
  • Dur al-Manthur, by Jalaluddin Al-Suyuti
  • Tafsir al-Mazhari, by Qadi Thanaullah Panipati
  • Ruh al-Ma'ani, by Mahmud al-Alusi

For the English version of Ma'ariful Quran - Complete Set (8 Volumes) Please click here

About The Author

Muḥammad Shafī‘ ibn Muḥammad Yāsīn Uthmani (‘Us̱mānī) Deobandī

Muḥammad Shafī‘ ibn Muḥammad Yāsīn ‘Us̱mānī Deobandī (: محمد شفیع بن محمد ياسین عثمانی دیوبندی;  محمد شفيع بن محمد ياسين العثماني الديوبندي, Muḥammad Shafī‘ ibn Muḥammad Yāsīn al-‘Uthmānī ad-Diyūbandī; c. 25 January 1897 – 6 October 1976),often referred to as Mufti Muhammad Shafi, was a Pakistani Sunni Islamic scholar of the Deobandi school of Islamic thought.

A Hanafi jurist and mufti, he was also an authority on shari'ah, hadith, Qur'anic exegesis, and Sufism. Born in Deoband, British India, he graduated in 1917 from Darul Uloom Deoband, where he later taught hadith and held the post of Chief Mufti. He resigned from the school in 1943 to devote his time to the Pakistan Movement. After the independence, he moved to Pakistan, where he established Darul Uloom Karachi in 1951. Of his written works, his best-known is Ma'ariful Qur'an, a commentary on the Qur'an.

Mufti Taqi Uthmani

Muhammad Taqi Uthmani (Usmani) (born 5 October 1943), is a Pakistani Islamic scholar and former judge who is the president of the Wifaq ul Madaris Al-Arabia and the vice president and Hadith professor of the Darul Uloom Karachi. An intellectual leader of the Deobandi movement, he has authored 143 books in Urdu, Arabic and English, including a translation of the Qur'an in both English and Urdu as well a 6-volume commentary on the Sahih Muslim in Arabic, Takmilat Fath al-Mulhim and Uloomu-l-Qur'an. He has written and lectured extensively on hadith, and Islamic finance. He chairs the Shariah Board of the Bahrain-based Accounting and Auditing Organization for Islamic Financial Institutions (AAOIFI). He is also a permanent member of the Jeddah-based International Islamic Fiqh Academy, an organ of the OIC.

In Pakistan, Muti Taqi Uthamni (Usmani) served as a scholar judge on the Shariat Appellate Bench of the Supreme Court from 1982 to 2002, and on the Federal Shariat Court from 1981 to 1982. From 1977 to 1981 he was a member of Zia's Council of Islamic Ideology and was involved in drafting the Hudood Ordinances

About The Publisher

Maktaba Mariful Quran

Maktaba Mariful Quran was established in 2010 and thus has been in operation. Today, it enjoys the status of being one of Pakistan’s leading Islamic book Sellers.

Additional Product Information

  • ISBN 13: IM036
  • ISBN 10: IM036
  • ISBN: IM036
  • SKU 2: TIS
  • Author: Mufti Muhammad Shafit Uthmani (Usmani)
  • Edited and illustrated By: Mufti Taqi Uthmani (Usmani
  • Imprint: Maktaba Mariful Qur'an, Darul Ishaat, Maktabatul Bushra AKA Al Bushra
  • Publisher: Maktaba Mariful Qur'an, Darul Ishaat, Maktabatul Bushra AKA Al Bushra
  • Publication Date: 02/07/1954
  • Cover: Hardback
  • Format: Hardback
  • Binding: Hardback
  • Pages: 501
  • Dimensions:
  • Weight: 8999g
  • Digital Bank:


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