The Eminence Of The Hadith Adherents Al Khatib Al Baghdadi

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The Eminence Of The Hadith Adherents Al Khatib Al Baghdadi

This Book Consists of:

  1. Al-Khatib's biography from Siyar A'lam al-Nubala' By Imam Dhahabi
  2. Sharaf Ashab al-Hadith (The Eminence of the Hadith Adherents)
  3. Naseehat Ahl al-Hadith (An Advice to the People of al-Hadith)

It is reported that the Messenger of Allah stated, “There will continue to be a group of my nation who prevails upon the truth, and they will not be harmed by those who forsake them.” Al-Imam Aḥmad ibn Ḥanbal said in regards to this statement, “If they are not the ḥadīth adherents then I do not know who they are!”

Al-Ḥafiz Ibn Ḥajar said, “Rare is the science from the sciences of al-ḥadith on which al-Khaṭīb did not author an independent book upon. Indeed, it is as al-Ḥafiẓ Abu Bakr ibn Nuqṭah said, ‘Every objective person knows that the ḥadīth masters after al-Khaṭīb are dependent upon his books.” Mulla ʿAlī al-Qari expanded upon this, “This is akin to the statement of al-Shafiʿi, ‘All are dependent upon Abi Ḥanifah in jurisprudence.” [Sharḥ Sharḥ Nukhbati ‘l-Fikar (139-141)]

Al-Khaṭib said, “I will mention in this book of mine, by the will of Allah, that which was narrated from the Messenger of Allah which encourages reporting from him, and the virtue of transmitting what was heard from him, and also that which was narrated from the Companions and their followers, and from the scholars who succeeded them, pertaining to the honour of the ḥadith adherents and their virtue, high status and nobility, their mentioned merits, and transmitted characteristics.”

About The Author

Abu Bakr Ahmad ibn 'Ali ibn Thabit ibn Ahmad ibn Mahdi al-Shafi'i, famous as al-Khatib al-Baghdadi was born in 392 A.H in Hanikiya, a village south of Baghdad.

He was a member of the Hanbali school of Fiqh but moved across to the Shafi'i school Based on his theological opinions.

Ibn Hajr said of Al-Baghdadi admiringly; “Every objective person knows that the scholars of hadiths coming after al-Khatib are indebted to his works".

His writings:

  • Ta'rikh Baghdad: The History of Baghdad 
  • Al-Kifaya fi ma'rifat usul 'ilm al-riwaya
  • Al-Djami' li-akhlak al-rawi wa-adab al-sami Takyid al-'ilm 
  • Sharaf Ashab al-hadith
  • Al-Sabik wa 'l-lahik
  • Al-Mu'tanif fi takmilat al-Mu'talif wa 'l-mukhtalif 
  • Al-Muttafik wa 'l-muftarik

​​About The Translators

Adnan Karim

Adnan Karim is the head of translation at Dar Al-Arqam. He has translated and edited number of works for Dar Al-Arqam. including

  • A Critique Of The Ruling Of al-Taqlid, Shawkani's Qawlul Mufid​
  • Sharh Shama'il Muhammadiyyah, English Commentary Classical
  • Travelling in the pursuit of knowledge

Ayman Jalal 

Ayman Jalal ​is from the Abualrub family, who are descendants of al-Shaykh Abd al-Qadir Jilani. He studied various Islamic sciences and Qur'anic memorisation from a young age under his father and other teachers. He has gained a number of Ijazat, notably being an ijazah and sanad in the Muwatta of Imam Malik from the transmission of Muhammad Ibn al-Hasan al-Shaybani,  having studied it entirely with Dr Muhammad Shakur al-Mayadini.​

Additional Product Information

  • ISBN 13: 978-191647-56-56
  • ISBN 10: 1916475656
  • ISBN: 9781916475656
  • SKU:  24729
  • Author: Al Khatib Al-Baghdadi
  • Publisher: Dar Al Arqam
  • Cover: Hardback
  • Format: Hardrback
  • Binding: Hardback
  • Year of Publication: 2021
  • Pages: 324
  • Size: 15x22cm


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