Ash Shifaa (Complete set in 2 volumes)

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Ash Shifaa (Complete set in 2 volumes)

This book is a translation of Qaadi Iyaadh's book Ash Shifaa in Arabic. It is perhaps the most frequently used and commented upon handbook in which the Prophet's may Allah bless him and grant him peace life his qualities and his miracles are described in every detail. This work was so highly admired throughout the Muslim world that it soon acquired a sanctity of its own for it is said "If Ash-Shifa is found in a house this house will not suffer any harm... when a sick person reads it or it is recited to him Allah will restore his health.

About The Author 

Qaadhi Iyaadh Andalusi

Iyad ibn Musa (1083–1149) (القاضي عياض بن موسى, formally Abu al-Fadl ‘Iyad ibn Amr ibn Musa ibn ‘Iyad ibn Muhammad ibn ‘Abdillah ibn Musa ibn ‘Iyad al-Yahsubi al-Sabti أبو الفضل عياض بن موسى بن عياض بن عمرو بن موسى بن عياض بن محمد بن عبد الله بن موسى بن عياض اليحصبي السبتي), born in Ceuta, then belonging to the Almoravid dynasty, was the scholar of Maliki fiqh and great imam of that city and, later, a qadi in the Emirate of Granada.

Iyaḍ was born into an established family of Arab origin in Ceuta.[4] As a scion of a notable scholarly family, ʿIyad was able to learn from the best teachers Ceuta had to offer. The judge Abu ʿAbd Allah Muhammad b. ʿIsa (d. 1111) was ʿIyad’s first important teacher and is credited with his basic academic formation. Growing up, ʿIyad benefited from the traffic of scholars from al-Andalus, the Maghrib, and the eastern Islamic world. He became a prestigious scholar in his own right and won the support of the highest levels of society.

In his quest for knowledge, Iyad spent part of 1113 and 1114 visiting Cordoba, Murcia, Almeria, and Granada. He received ijāzas from the most important traditionist of his time, Abū ʿAlī al-Ṣadafī (d. 1120) in Murcia, and met with some of the most celebrated scholars of the moment, such as Ibn al-Hajj (d. 1134), Ibn Rushd (d. 1126), and Ibn Hamdin (d. 1114).

ʿIyad was appointed judge of Ceuta in 1121 and served in the position until 1136. During his tenure as judge of Ceuta he was extremely prolific. Iyad's overall fame as a jurist and as a writer of fiqh (positive law) was based on the work he did in this city.

Iyad was also appointed the judge of Grenada where he worked for just over a year.

In doctrine Iyad to known have influenced later scholars like Ibn Taymiyyah and Taqī ad-Dīn as-Subkī (d.1355) in expanding the definition of heresy in apostasy, being the first to called for the death penalty for those Muslims guilty of “disseminating improprieties about Muḥammad or questioning his authority in all questions of faith and profane life” (according to Tilman Nagel).

He headed a revolt against the coming of the Almohades to Ceuta, but lost and was banished to Tadla and later Marrakech. He was a pupil of Abu Abdillah ibn Isa, Abu Abdillah ibn Hamdin and Abu al-Hassan ibn Siraj, and was a teacher of Averroes and Ibn Maḍāʾ.

He died in 1149. He refused to acknowledge Ibn Tumart as the awaited Mahdi. Sources disagree on how and where he died. Some sources, including one written by his son, Muhammad, describe how he ingratiated himself with the Almohads in Marakech and eventually died of sickness during a military campaign. Other sources describe how he died a natural death while acting as a rural judge near Tadla, while later sources tend to assume a violent death at the hands of the Almohads. Although he was opposed to the Almohads and the ideas of Ibn Hazm, he did not hold enmity for the Zahirite school of Sunni Islam, which the Almohads and Ibn Hazm followed. Ayyad's comments on Ibn Hazm's teacher Abu al-Khiyar al-Zahiri were positive, as was Ayyad's characterization of his own father, a Zahirite theologian.

Cadi Ayyad University, also known as the University of Marrakech, was named after him. Qadi Ayyad is also well known as one of the seven saints of Marrakech and is buried near Bab Aïlen

He was one of the most famous scholars of Maliki law and author of the well-known Ash-Shifa on the virtues of the prophet and Tartib al-mardarik wa-taqrib al-masalik li-marifat alam madhab Malik, a collection of biographies of eminent Malikis, a.o. Abu Bakr ibn al-Arabi. Qadi `Iyad's other well-known works include:

Qaadhi Iyaadh Andalusi Works

  • Ikmal al-mu`lim bi fawa'id Muslim, a famous commentary on Sahih Muslim which transmitted and expanded upon al-Maziri's own commentary, al-Mu`lim bi-fawa'id Muslim. Qadi `Iyad's own commentary was utilised and expounded upon heavily by Al-Nawawi in his own commentary of Sahih Muslim.
  • Bughya al-ra'i lima Tadmanahu Hadith Umm Zara` min al-Fawa'id, published with Tafsir nafs al-Hadith by Al-Suyuti.
  • Al-I`lam bi Hudud Qawa'id al-Islam, written on the five pillars of Islam.
  • Al-Ilma` ila Ma`rifa Usul al-Riwaya wa Taqyid al-Sama`, a detailed work on the science of Hadith.
  • Mashariq al-Anwar `ala Sahih al-Athar, based on al-Muwatta of Malik ibn Anas, Sahih Al-Bukhari of Imam Bukhari and Sahih Muslim by Muslim ibn al-Hajjaj.
  • Al-Tanbihat al-Mustanbata `ala al-kutub al-Mudawwana wa al-Mukhtalata.
  • Daqa`iq al-akhbar fi dhikr al-janna wa-l-nar, a "eschatological manual" describing the joys of jannah (heaven) and the horrors of jahannam (hell)

About The Translator

Mufti Afzal Hoosen Elias

Mufti Saheb was also a qualified draughtsman and graduated at the ML Sultan College, Durban prior to his enrolment at Darul Uloom Deoband.

Writing and translating Kitaabs was Mufti Saheb's passion. Kitaabs were his constant companion whether at home or on journey. Mufti Saheb has left behind as a legacy, the compilation, translation and publication of over 600 books in every sphere of Islamic knowledge that one can think of, Subhanallah!

Among his many accomplishments in this field was the translation of Mufti Aashiq Illahi's (RA) tafseer, Anwaar ul Bayaan, "Illuminating Discourses of the Noble Quraan". This Tafseer was published in 10 volumes, each volume consisting of +- 500 pages and was the first complete tafseer translated in the English language.

Another jewel of Mufti Saheb's legacy was the easy to understand translation of the Quran titled " Quran made easy". This translation has gained widespread acceptance amonst the general public as well as the Ulama fraternity.

Other pertinent and valuable publications of Mufti Saheb include:

  • An Easy Step-by-Step Guide on Hajj
  • Islamic Cupping & Hijamah: A Complete Guide
  • Stories of The Prophets for Children
  • Why Accept Islam?
  • Astonishing Facts about The Quran
  • Children's Islamic Bedtime Stories

Many of Mufti Sahebs publications have also been recorded in audio format for the benefit of the blind. Mufti Saheb also conducted Q&A programs for many years on different radio platforms and Masaajid. 100s of these progams have recorded and are available on his website:

Mufti Saheb served as the Deputy Ameer of the Jamiatul Ulama KZN. He was an active member of the Jamiat, who till his last moments served the organisation with the sole intention to protect and uplift the Deen. His attendance at the Shura meetings was highly valued as he was able to skillfully navigate and resolve the most intricate of issues.

Despite his busy schedule, Mufti Saheb attended the office each Thursday encouraging staff and providing invaluable advice to whoever sat with him. His relaxed manner and light-heartedness attracted each and every staff member, which will be sorely missed.

His close link and interaction with the community was a prominent feature. He was often seen at a different Masaajid for each Salaah. He would deliver Jumuah lectures throughout the country and would regularly travel to remote areas to perform the Jumuah. Mufti Saheb gave such importance to the Jumuah platform that even on the week of his demise, in spite of severe illness, he had agreed to deliver that Friday's Jumuah in Stanger.

During Mufti Saheb's travels abroad, he was even more active in spreading the message of Islam. It was not uncommon for Mufti Saheb's to deliver 4-5 discourses on each day of his travel.

Among his noble habits was that he would always remain in the state of Wudhu. Mufti Saheb was very particular about his Salaah in congregation. He was loved by his Asaatizah (teachers) and would often relate fond memories of them and the lessons learnt at their feet. Mufti Saheb retained his close relationship with his Asaatizah throughout his life and would often travel lenghty distances to meet them.

His cool and calm persona coupled with his warm and friendly nature captured the hearts of many. Mufti Saheb was loved and held in high esteem by people across the globe. Mufti Saheb’s demise is an immense loss to the Ummah at large and particularly to those individuals, communities and institutions who were enriched by his presence and support.

As the great scholar, Imaam Shafee’ wrote:

قد مات قوم وما ماتت مكارمهم

وعاش قوم وهم في الناس أموات

“There are some who have passed away but whose rich legacy remains alive.

While others are alive but their (poor) character has rendered them dead in the eyes of mankind.”

Mufti Saheb's Janaaza Salaah was performed on the day of his demise, Wednesday, 25 April 2018 / 8 Sha'baan 1439 at Masjid Hilaal, Durban. Thousands attended his Janaazah. He is buried at the Hilaal Qabrastan in Durban.

We make dua that Allah Taála accepts Mufti Saheb’s devotion and his many sacrifices and services for His Deen. May his rich legacy serve as a means of guiding multitudes to the correct practise of Islam and may it be a means of him gaining the highest stages in Jannatul Firdous, Ameen.

May Allah Taála grant Mufti Saheb's family members, friends and associates Sabr-e-Jameel (a beautiful patience) and immense reward through this difficult time, Ameen.

About The Publisher

Mustafah Publishers

Mustafah Publishers are one of the leading publishers of Islamic books.

Mustafah Publishers convey a message successfully and provide motivation for children and adults to follow the teachings contained within. Attractive and interactive illustrations have been used to capture their interest.

With help from these books, children and adults will learn a way of life that will help them gain happiness, serenity and success in this world as well as in the Hereafter in sha Allah. Reading these books will not just make them better Muslims, but also better children and adults, better siblings and improve them in every aspect of their character.

Mustafah Publishers biography is based on information collected from authentic sources including the Quran, Ahadith, books about Sirah-tul-Nabi and other trustworthy Islamic history books.

Additional Product Information

  • ISBN 13:  978-969752-00-91
  • ISBN 10:  9697520091
  • ISBN 1:  9789697520091
  • SKU 1: TISAS
  • SKU 2: TIS
  • SKU 3: 9789697520091
  • Author: Qaadhi Iyaadh Andalusi
  • Edited and illustrated By: Mufti Afzal Hoosen Elias
  • Translated By: Mufti Afzal Hoosen Elias
  • Imprint: Mustafah Publishers
  • Publisher: Mustafah Publishers
  • Year Of Publication: 2015
  • Cover: Paperback
  • Format: Paperback
  • Binding: Paperback
  • Pages: 1150
  • Dimensions: 22.3 x 14.5cm
  • Weight: 1300g
  • Size: 21 x 13.9cm
  • Digital Bank:


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