This is a concise tafsir of which its author said: it is comprehensive, based on both narrated reports and rational argument, based on the most authentic well-known tafsirs such as al-Tabari, al-Kashshaf, Ibn Kathir, al-Bahr al-Muhit and Rooh al-Ma’ani.
It is written in a simple style that is easy to understand, paying attention to literary style and linguistic form.
He says in the introduction:
"I have called my book Safwat al-Tafasir (The Best of Tafsirs) because it combines the best of the major detailed tafsirs in a brief, organized and clear fashion."
"صفوة التفاسير" الذي نقلب صفحاته هو مؤلف ثمين خلاصة ما قاله أئمة المفسرين ليسهل فهمه على طلبة العلم، بأسلوب مبسط وعبارات ميسرة وإيضاحات جيدة، مع العناية بالجوانب اللغوية والبيانية. وقد سلك مؤلفه في طريقة تفسيره للكتاب العزيز الأسلوب الآتي؛ أولاً: بين يدي السورة، وهو بيان إجمالي للسورة الكريمة وتوضيح مقاصدها الأساسية، ثانياً: المناسبة بين الآيات السابقة والآيات اللاحقة، ثالثاً: اللغة مع بيان الاشتقاق اللغوي والشواهد العربية، رابعاً: سبب النزول، خامساً: التفسير، سادساً: البلاغة، سابعاً: الفوائد واللطائف.
Muhammad Ali Al-Sabuni one of the prominent scholars of Ahl-e-Sunnah Wal-Jama'ah, and a possessor of a great knowledge of Qur'an in the modern age.
He was born in the city of Halab, Al-Syria in 1930 AD and brought up in the same city. Started learning of beginning knowledge on the hand of his Father Sheikh Jamil Al-Sabuni.
He continued in Halab till he passed primary & middle school in 1949 AD. After that, He was sent for higher education by the minister of Awqaf (endowment) to Al-Azhar University, Cairo, Egypt, where he got Certificate of Kulliyah-Al-Sharia in 1952 AD.
His activities are unable to be counted on fingers or on a page. In Short, He gave Dars-e-Qur'an daily in Masjid al-Haram in Makkah, and one day of a week in Madinah al-Munawwarah, Specially during the Hajj he used to sit in Makkah for ehtiqaf.
He has many writings in Arabic which have been translated into different languages as English, Persian & Turkish.
Some of them are:
Riyad as-Salihin or The Meadows of the Righteous, also referred to as The Gardens of the Righteous ( رياض الصالحين Riyāḍ aṣ-Ṣāliḥīn), is a compilation of verses from the Quran supplemented by hadith narratives writt...
This is a concise tafsir of which its author said: it is comprehensive, based on both narrated reports and rational argument, based on the most authentic well-known tafsirs such as al-Tabari, al-Kashshaf, Ibn Kathir...
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