This book is Sharh of the most famous book of Islamic Jurisprudence (according to Hanafi Madhab), which is al-Lubab fī Sharh al-Kitab 'ala al-Mukhtasar al-Mushtahir bi-Ism "al-Kitab" alladhi sannafahu Abu al-Husayn Ahmad ibn Muhammad al-Quduri al-Baghdadi al-Hanafi.
"The faqih is the one who is frugal in this world, desirous of the Hereafter, a person who has insight into his religion, who is constant in the worship of his Lord, who keeps himself well away from [violating] the characters of and property Muslims, and who is an advisor to them." [Hasan al-Basri]
Commentary on the famous Mukhtasar al-Quduri Fi Fiqh Hanafiyyah the standard text for primary Hanafi legal studies.
Al-Imām al-ʿAllāmah Abu ‘l-Ḥusayn Aḥmad ibn Muḥammad ibn Aḥmad al-Baghdādi al-Qudūri. [He is more commonly known by his nisbah (surname), as Imam al-Qudūri.] Some say that his nisbah is ascribed to one of the outlying towns of Baghdad called Qudūrah. Others say that it is ascribed to his family profession, the selling of pots (which in Arabic are translated as qudūr).
He was born – may Allah Most High have mercy on him – in the year 362 A.H. He studied Fiqh from Abu ʿAbdillāh al-Faqīh Muḥammad ibn Yaḥyā al-Jurjāni. Among the jurists that learned Fiqh at his hands was Abu Naṣr Aḥmad ibn Muḥammad al-Aqṭaʿ. The chief justice (qāḍī al-quḍāt) Abu ʿAbdillāh al-Dāmaghāni narrates ḥadīth from him, and so does al-Khaṭīb al-Baghdādi. Imam al-Qudūri – may Allah Most High have mercy on him – distinguished himself in Fiqh due to his intelligence. He went on to become the leader of the Ḥanafi scholars in Iraq, and he rose amongst them in status and fame. He was well-spoken in his views, of a bold tongue and constant in reciting the Quran.
The Imam passed away – may Allah Most High have mercy on him – on Monday, the fifteenth of Rajab, year 428 A.H. He was buried soon after in his home on Abī Khalaf Lane. He was later moved to a cemetery on al-Manṣūr Street, and there he was laid to rest beside the Ḥanafi jurist Abu Bakr al-Khawārizmi.
Taken from the preface of: Shaykh ʿAbd al-Ghanī al-Ghunaymi al-Maydāni, Shaykh Bashhār Bakrī ʿArrābī (taḥqīq and takhrīj), Shaykh ʿUmar al-Miṣri (foreword and verification), al-Lubāb fī Sharḥ al-Kitāb. Al-Maktabah al-ʿUmarīyyah: Damascus.
Abd al-Ghanī ibn Ṭālib bin Ḥamāda ibn Ibrāhīm al-Ghunaymī al-Dimashqī al-Maydānī (عبد الغني الغنيمي الميداني الحنفي) was a jurist (faqīh) and legal theorist (uṣūlī) adhering to the Hanafi school as well as a traditionalist (muḥaddith) and grammarian (naḥwī). Born in 1222 AH in the Maydān neighbourhood in southern Damascus, he was known for his vast knowledge and his eagerness to apply it. Just as the neighborhood of his birth still bears this name to this day, he too has become known popularly as al-Maydānī.
There were many poetic verses written in praise of him, which can be found in Ḥilya al-Bashar fī Tārikh al-Qarn al-Thālith ʿAshar by Shaykh ʿAbd al-Razzāq al-Bayṭār. (See volume 2, pgs 867–870)
When riots between Muslims and Christians in 1277 AH/1860 CE broke out, he played a significant role in extinguishing the chaos and restoring order. He was described as being far from antagonism and tribalism due to his distance from the material world and his piety.
Many from the region of Shām and beyond studied with him, including ʿAllāma Imām Shaykh Ṭāhir al-Jazāʾiriī and Ustādh Saʿīd al-Shartūnī al-Lubnānī al-Naṣrānī.
Shaykh al-Mayḍāni was not prolific in his writings, but he was certainly amongst the best in the works he did author. These include:
al-Lubāb fī Sharḥ al-Kitāb in Hanafi fiqh - When al-Kitāb is mentioned amongst the Hanafis, the Mukhtaṣar of al-Qudurī is intended. Imam al-Qudūrī was the Hanafi jurist and traditionist, Abū al-Ḥusayn Aḥmad ibn Muḥammad al-Qudūrī al-Baghdādī. It is with him the leadership of the Hanafis in Iraq comes to an end. He was born in 362 AH and died in 428 AH. He was also one of the teachers of al-Ḥāfiẓ al-Khaṭīb al-Baghdādī, the author of Tārīkh Baghdād.
This Mukhtaṣar is considered to be one of the reliable books within the Hanafi school, used by adherents of the school into the present day. For this reason Shaykh al-Mayḍanī undertook the task of writing a commentary on it and elucidating its contents. He sought to relate the chosen and established legal positions. This book was widely accepted during his lifetime and after his death. He finished writing it on the 13th of Ramadan in 1266 AH according to the most sound report. However, Ismaʿīl Bāshā al-Baghdādī in Hadiyya al-ʿĀrifīn and Sarkīs in Muʿjam al-Maṭbūʿāt opine that the year was 1267 AH.
This book's first edition was first published during the lifetime of the author in Qasṭanṭaniya/Asātina, modern-day Istanbul, in the year 1274–1275. Thereafter, numerous editions were printed. Unfortunately, many of those printed in Egypt are filled with errors except those proofread by Ustādh Muḥammad Muḥyī al-Dīn ʿAbd al-Ḥamīd.
Shaykh ʿAbdul Fattāh notes that he spent time in Damascus on 20 Muharram 1378 to review all of the manuscripts of Shaykh al-Maydānī. These included:
After memorizing the Qurʾān, he studied with the greatest of the scholars in Damascus during that era. These included:
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